Sustainable Japan Award 受賞企業・団体・自治体発表!
We are pleased to announce the winners of the forth annual Sustainable Japan Award.


Sustainable Japan Award 最優秀賞


スポーツができる環境をまもるため、温室効果ガス排出量実質ゼロ、気温上昇を1.5℃未満に抑えることを目指し、2050年までにネットゼロ、2030年までに事業所およびサプライチェーンで63%の削減を目標にしている。これは世界のスポーツメーカーで初めてのScience Based Target initiativeから承認されている。 マサチューセッツ工科大学と製品ライフサイクルにおける環境負荷に関する共同研究の知見を活かし、温室効果ガス排出量が世界最少のスニーカー「GEL-LYTE lll CM 1.95」の開発なども注目されている。また、バリューチェーン全体で温室効果ガス排出量を削減するため、主要サプライヤーには、取引要件として気温上昇を1.5℃に抑えるための排出目標の設定や、再生可能エネルギーの導入を求める、グリーン調達方針を展開。継続的な対話を通して彼らの現状や課題を把握・サポートし、サプライヤーと連携しながらバリューチェーン全体で循環型ビジネスモデルへの移行に取り組んでいる。

Sustainable Japan Award 優秀賞



Sustainable Japan Award ESG部門 優秀賞




ポピンズグループでは、HGSE(ハーバード大学教育大学院)プロジェクトゼロとの共同研究を長年にわたり継続しており、2021年秋からスタートした3年間で、 目標4「質の高い教育をみんなに」への取り組みの一環として、「子どものためのSDGs(SDGs for Children)」をメインテーマに据えた共同研究活動を行っている。
2022年はSDGs 17目標のうちのNo.5「ジェンダー平等」にフォーカスし、ジェンダーにまつわる既成概念が子どもへ与える影響について理解を深めた。
2021年6月には、過去6年間の研究成果の集大成として「多様性を祝う(Celebrate Diversity)」をメインテーマに、シンポジウムを開催した。

Sustainable Japan Award ESG部門 審査員特別賞



特定非営利活動法人 全国こども食堂支援センター・むすびえ


Sustainable Japan Award Satoyama部門 優秀賞





Sustainable Japan Award Satoyama部門 審査員特別賞


ジャパンタイムズが主催するDestination Restaurants 2022に選ばれた『茶懐石 温石』(静岡県焼津市)では主人、杉山氏が求める調理法に合う魚を前田氏が納入し、前田氏から教わる魚の状態や情報をもとに調理をする。

The winners

Sustainable Japan Award Grand Prize

Asics Corporation

Reason for the award:
Asics Corp. aims to contribute to efforts to achieve carbon neutrality and limit the global temperature increase to 1.5 C above pre-industrial levels, with the ultimate goal of maintaining an environment. The company is committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 and a 63% reduction for both its operations and supply chains by 2030.
For this, it became the world’s first sporting goods maker to be recognized by the Science Based Targets initiative. It developed the Gel-Lyte III CM 1.95 shoes, whose greenhouse gas emissions are the smallest in the world, taking advantage of know-how gained in a joint study with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on environmental impact over a product lifecycle.
Asics’ green procurement policy requires its key suppliers to set an emissions reduction target and use renewable energy. Asics monitors suppliers and supports them through ongoing dialogue, aiming to transition its entire value chain to a circular business model.

Sustainable Japan Excellence Award

City of Maniwa

Reason for the award:
Since the 1990s, Maniwa, under the philosophy of “use natural resources found in the region efficiently and recycle them,” has striven to work with the private sector, aiming to simultaneously resolve social, economic and environmental issues.
Taking advantage of abundant wood resources in the region, the city opened a biomass power plant fueled by wood materials left over from the thinning of mountain forests and from sawmills. In agriculture, the municipality produces the Maniwa Satoumi brand of rice in paddies that use as fertilizer oyster shells collected from fishing villages along the coast of the Seto Inland Sea.
It has supported the forestry and wood materials industry by promoting the use of cross-laminated timber, a construction material that can be recycled after its components are separated.
Furthermore, the municipality has been promoting the development of “remakes” and new products.

Sustainable Japan ESG Excellence Award

Nissay Asset Management Corp.

Reason for the award:
As an expert on asset management, Nissay Asset Management Corp. is aware of its responsibility to help make society sustainable, support increase in corporate value and contribute to sound development of the capital market as part of its fiduciary responsibility toward pension funds, their subscribers and beneficiaries of investment trusts. The company notably practices responsible investment under committed management. In addition, the company believes it is important to increase the public’s knowledge about the U.N. sustainable development goals (SDGs) and finance to help make our society sustainable. In this regard, it takes advantage of its expertise on asset management in its initiatives, including dispatching instructors to conduct classes at elementary schools and conducting investment seminars on its website, where a textbook on finance and investment is made available. Nissay Asset Management has thus contributed to disseminating knowledge about SDGs and raising awareness on them in many respects.

Poppins Corp.

Reason for the award:
Since its establishment, Poppins Corp. has maintained a management style of pursuing what is necessary for women to continue working.
The Poppins group has worked with the Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Project Zero on joint research over many years. Since the fall of 2021, it has been engaged in joint research on the primary subject of “SDGs for children” as part of efforts toward achieving the U.N.’s fourth sustainable development goal, “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”
In 2022, focus was placed on the fifth goal, “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls” to deepen understanding of the impacts that ideas about gender may have on children. In June 2021, Poppins held a symposium focusing on celebrating diversity as the culmination of its research efforts over the preceding six years.

Sustainable Japan ESG Special Award

Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Reason for the award:
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government releases impact reports on its green and social bonds, and has the reports independently verified by external agencies — the first local government to do so in Japan. This shows the municipality’s awareness of the importance of maintaining information transparency. The pioneering efforts, which include its issuance of green and social bonds, have significantly contributed to activating the market for ESG (environment, social and governance) bonds issued by Japan’s local governments. The Tokyo government’s strong commitment to sustainability under the leadership of Gov. Yuriko Koike and related efforts in collaboration with its stakeholders have set an example for other local governments to follow. Its use of English and multiple other foreign languages to spread information has helped increase Tokyo’s presence as an international financial center.

Musubie NPO

Reason for the award:
This year, the Certified Nonprofit Corporation Nationwide Children’s Cafeteria Support Center, Musubie, marks its 11th anniversary. Kodomo shokudo (children’s cafeterias) are now operating across Japan, with the total exceeding 7,300. The nonprofit wants children’s cafeterias to be widely known as places where not only children but anyone can come and spend time, serving as places that helps stablish different kind of connections. Musubie has expanded the scope of support for children’s cafeterias by linking them with stakeholders in their respective regions to give them sustainable bases. In addition to sharing information on subsidies and donations, Musubie has touched off a “big social wave” of supporting children under regionwide efforts by getting governments and social welfare councils onboard, as well as businesses that had not previously been involved in social activities.

Sustainable Japan Satoyama Excellence Award

Value Management Co. Ltd.

Reason for the award:
Since its establishment in 2005, Value Management Co. Ltd. has striven to create tourism towns using valuable historic buildings, promoting tourism under joint public-private efforts. This has included the preservation and use of historic resources and the creation of regional revitalization models. The company has worked to restore a wide range of historic buildings, trying to preserve as much of their value as possible. Value Management has so far returned 80 historic buildings across Japan — including cultural assets, castles and buildings in popular tourist destinations — to a viable state. In the Aichi Prefecture city of Ozu, the company launched in July 2020 a stay-in-a-castle plan, previously unheard of in Japan. It also operates “distributed hotels,” which have facilities dispersed in different locations in a region. Value Management has been working with local communities to create healthy towns that attract tourists.

Yamagata Design Co. Ltd.

Reason for the award:
Based in the Shonai region of Yamagata Prefecture, Yamagata Design Co. Ltd. has been working to resolve regional issues in the fields of tourism, education, human resources and farming since its foundation in 2014. The company’s Suiden Terrasse, a “hotel floating in the rice fields,” was created with an ambition to make Shonai a magnet for tourists from around the world. The facility, which has attracted more than 50,000 guests annually, has had a significant positive impact on the regional economy. In the area of farming, the company has developed soil restoration using organic resources in the region, worked to realize farming that does not rely on chemical fertilizers or pesticides and is resilient against climate change risks, and developed a weed-control robot. Sorai, Yamagata Design’s project in the field of education, has created a mechanism that allows businesses and the local community to support education.

Sustainable Japan Satoyama Special Award

Sasue Maeda Fish Shop

Reason for the award:
Naoki Maeda is the fifth-generation owner of the more than six-decade-old Sasue Maeda Fish Shop in Yaizu, Shizuoka Prefecture. He has striven to deliver great-quality fish in optimum condition for the specific way each dish is prepared, which won him respect of noted chefs across Japan. Maeda has also trained prominent chefs who visited his shop from overseas.
Not only does he have expert knowledge and skills, Maeda has done what he can to work closely with fishermen and chefs. This has included engaging with fishermen, exchanging opinions with chefs and offering feedback to them on their dishes.
Maeda selects and delivers fish suited to the way they are cooked by chef Daigo Sugiyama, proprietor of Chakaiseki Onjaku. The Yaizu restaurant was selected by The Japan Times for its Destination Restaurants list in 2022. Sugiyama relies on the status of fish as explained by Maeda.

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