Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

* Please check the terms of use, privacy policy and notes related to specific commercial transactions from their respective links.

  • Can I read articles for free?

  • Some articles are free to read. For premium articles and videos, a paywall alert is displayed. You will not be charged if you have not gone through the subscription procedure.

  • Can I subscribe from overseas?

  • Yes, you can subscribe and make payments from overseas. However, please note that some international credit cards may not be accepted.

  • What is the payment method?

  • Payment by credit card is required. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and JCB cards.
    Please note that debit cards cannot be used.

  • When are payments made?

  • For the monthly plan, the first payment will be made with the registered credit card on the same date as the application, and subsequent payments will be made on that date each month. If a month lacks that date (such as the 31st), the last day of the month will be the payment date.
    For the annual plan, a lump-sum annual charge will be made on the application date, and subsequent payments will be made on that date each year.
    The online payment system Stripe processes in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) instead of JST (Japan Standard Time). Therefore, please note that if you apply from Japan, there will be a difference of nine hours in the payment time.
    [Example] When applying for a monthly plan from Japan at 1 a.m. on April 1
    Japan Standard Time (nine-hour time difference) = Coordinated Universal Time
    April 1, 1 a.m. = March 31, 4 p.m.
    * In this case, the payment time for the following month, May, is 4 p.m. on April 30.


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