Sustainable Japan Award 受賞企業・団体・自治体発表!
We are pleased to announce the winners of the third annual Sustainable Japan Award.
そして2021年6月、「ESG推進コンソーシアム」と「Satoyama推進コンソーシアム」、それぞれ取り組み方は違うが、目指す所は同じだと考え、この2つのコンソーシアムを統合し、「Sustainable Japan Network」をスタートしました。
2019年に第1回目を実施した「Satoyama & ESG Award」。3回目となる今年から、「Sustainable Japan Award」と名称を変更し、その中でSatoyama部門、ESG部門を設け、これまで同様、その年に先進的なそして持続可能な取り組みを行なった企業、団体、個人を表彰し、その活躍を国内外に伝えていきます。
応募にご参加いただいた皆様に、10月発行予定の「Sustainable Japan Award 特別号」をお送り致します。
The Japan Times 本紙や、Sustainable Japan Award特設サイト上でご紹介いたします。受賞企業・個人の取材記事や好事例のご紹介などを企画しており、企業のPR・ブランディングにご活用いただけます。
Sustainable Award 大賞 1
Sustainable Award 優秀賞 1
Sustainable Award ESG部門 優秀賞 2
Sustainable Award Satoyama部門 優秀賞 2
Sustainable Award 特別賞
※Sustainable Awad 特別賞受賞数に関しては、審査の段階で決定します。
The Japan Times
Sustainable Japan by The Japan Times
森澤充世 氏
PRIジャパンヘッド/CDPジャパンディレクター/ Japan Times ESG推進コンソーシアム座長
渋澤健 氏
コモンズ投信取締役会長/ジャパンタイムズESG推進コンソーシアム アドバイザー
木村尚敬 氏
経営共創基盤共同経営者 マネージングディレクター/ Japan Times ESG推進コンソーシアム アドバイザー
加藤隆俊 氏
公益財団法人国際金融情報センター 顧問/ Japan Times ESG推進コンソーシアム アドバイザー
藻谷浩介 氏
日本総合研究所調査部主席研究員/ Japan Times Satoyama推進コンソーシアム アドバイザー
御立尚資 氏
ボストンコンサルティンググループ シニアアドバイザー/ Japan Times Satoyama推進コンソーシアム アドバイザー
「Sustainable Japan Award」事務局(担当:森・山田)
〒102-0084 東京都一番町2-2 一番町第二TGビル
In 2017, The Japan Times launched two consortiums: the ESG Consortium and the Satoyama Consortium. They have focused on individuals, companies and organizations active in various ways in realizing a sustainable society, including key people in Japan and overseas who have disseminated their efforts both domestically and internationally.
Though the ESG Consortium and the Satoyama Consortium have different approaches, they have the same goals. Thus, in June 2021 they were merged into the new Sustainable Japan Network.
The first Satoyama & ESG Awards were held in 2019. Three years later, the name changed to the Sustainable Japan Award, with both a satoyama section and an ESG section. Our goal is to commend individuals, companies and organizations that have made advances in sustainable efforts, and we hope to convey their activities both domestically and internationally.
About previous awards
Benefits of participation
We will send a copy of the Sustainable Japan Award Special Issue, scheduled for publication in October, to all participants who submit an application.
Benefits for award-winning companies
The winners will be featured in The Japan Times newspaper and on the Sustainable Japan Award website. We are also planning articles on the good practices of award-winning companies and individuals, which can be applied in corporate PR and planning.
*Contents may be subject to change
Sustainable Award Grand Prize: one
Sustainable Award Excellence Award: one
Sustainable Award ESG Category Excellence Award: two
Sustainable Award Satoyama Category Excellence Award: two
Sustainable Award Special Award
* The number of the Sustainable Award Special Award will be decided by the judges.
It is possible to apply as an individual, company or organization.
Please see the guidelines below and apply online using the linked form.
Applications are now closed
The Japan Times
Sustainable Japan by The Japan Times
ESG category
(1)Providing innovative initiatives and technologies in ESG and SDG activities.
(2)A Japanese initiative that should be communicated to the world. Initiatives that have not been disseminated yet.
(3)Outstanding efforts will be taken into account regardless of company size.
(4)An initiative that is actively working on being disseminated in English.
Satoyama category
(1)An initiative utilizing satoyama and satoumi resources and assets in line with the historical background and current conditions of the region.
(2)The establishment of a circular economy in the region and developing it into a sustainable initiative.
(3)A Japanese initiative that should be communicated to the world. Initiatives that have not been disseminated yet.
(4)An initiative worth spreading and sharing with English speakers living in or visiting Japan and overseas.
ESG category
Ms. Michiyo Morisawa
PRI Japan Head / CDP Japan Director / Japan Times ESG Consortium Chair
Mr. Ken Shibusawa
Chairman of the Commons Investment Trust / Japan Times ESG Consortium Adviser
Mr. Naonori Kimura
Managing Director, Industrial Growth Platform, Inc./ Japan Times ESG Consortium Adviser
Mr. Takatoshi Kato
International Financial Information Center Adviser/ Japan Times ESG Consortium Adviser
Satoyama category
Mr. Kosuke Motani
Senior Researcher at the Japan Research Institute/ Japan Times Satoyama Consortium Adviser
Mr. Naosuke Mitate
Boston Consulting Group Senior Adviser/ Japan Times Satoyama Consortium Adviser
Japan Times Cube Co., Ltd.
Sustainable Japan Award executive office (People in charge: Nobuyuki Mori, Shinobu Yamada)
〒102-0084 Daini TG Bld., Ichibancho 2-2, Tokyo
TEL: 090-6125-2296 EMAIL: