By combining companies’ ESG management practices with The Japan Times' ability to communicate in English, we hope to promote dialogue with investors, improve the value of member companies and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
Japan’s decarbonization vision will take work and innovation
Sumiko Takeuchi
visiting professor
Last October, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga pledged to cut Japan’s greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. Europe has...
Experts weigh Japan and Italy’s optimism about hydrogen
Jacob Reed
Contributing writer
Developing renewable solutions for ever-increasing energy demands is one of the pillars of sustainability. In a concerted effort to move...
Green finance: The quiet revolution of sustainable bonds
Timothy Schultz
Contributing writer
Last month in Tokyo, a group of environmental radicals got together and discussed how they might save the world. Except...
How the pandemic will change artists’ spaces, choices and voices
Jacob Reed
contributing writer
On Jan. 28, the final part of a webinar series on contemporary art after the coronavirus was hosted by the...
With Seino service, sell your excess stuff when you move
Maiko Muraoka
People who are moving tend to wonder what to do with all the items they find they don’t need. Sometimes...
Mymizu’s water app just first step to ending plastic waste
Joe Muntal
From conservation to climate change, the environmental challenges of our times are daunting and can seem distant from our everyday...
Evonne Yiu, U.N. researcher and champion of forests and sea
Timothy Schultz
Contributing writer
The early morning sea off Ishikawa Prefecture was gentle, the fisherman sitting casually at the boat’s bow. They were idling...
With oceans facing increasing risks, no nation is an island
Jacob Reed
Among global environmental issues, the sustainable use of the seas is of paramount importance. About 2.4 billion people, 40 percent...
Japan’s COVID-19 response: What it did right, what it has to learn
Yoshiyuki Sagara
Fellow Asia Pacific Initiative
Within a year, the Japanese government has issued two states of emergency over the COVID-19 pandemic under two prime ministers:...
How Mie preserves firms, farms, fishing and tourism
Maiko Muraoka
Mie Prefecture, located in the center of the Japanese archipelago, has a balanced economy supported by industry, agriculture, fishing and...
Oji turns wood into alternative materials of glass and plastics
Maiko Muraoka
Oji Holdings, with a history of more than 140 years since its establishment, has always been a leader in Japan’s...
ESG awards recognize efforts on energy, child labor
Maiko Muraoka
To achieve the 17 U.N. sustainable development goals and bring a better future for all, what is needed is action...