September 20, 2022

#24 Roundtable

Yasuo Takahashi is Research Manager of the Biodiversity and Forests Area at the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) since 2019, mainly involved in biodiversity-related science-policy interfaces and socio-ecological system research. He has contributed to the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) as an assessment expert, including a Fellow for the Asia-Pacific Regional Assessment (2018), a Contributing Author of the Global Assessment (2019) and a Review Editor for the ongoing Nexus Assessment. Besides, he has been supporting the implementation of the Satoyama Initiative, which globally promotes synergies in biodiversity conservation and human well-being in socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes, or Satoyama and Satoumi in Japanese.

Before joining IGES, he was involved in project implementation in Japan and abroad as a consultant, such as an ecosystem restoration project on the Ogasawara Islands, Tokyo, Japan, for its inscription as the World Natural Heritage site, as well as a forest coffee certification project in Ethiopia.

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