August 26, 2024


Charge d’affaires of Cuba, Dairon Ojeda, participates in the closing ceremony of the Hamanako-Cuba Hemingway Cup, presenting a special bottle of Cuban rum “White Marlin” to the winning team. | Embassy of Cuba

Almost 80 participants enjoyed the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan Chubu Chapter’s Summer Networking Event “Bottoms Up” on August 2 in Nagoya. (Photo by Andy Boone) | AACJ

The Embassy of Mexico hosts a farewell for Austrian Ambassador Elisabeth Bertagnoli, celebrating her successful tenure and wishing her the best in her future endeavors. | Embassy of Mexico

Haitian Ambassador Watson Denis (rear center) poses with visiting Japanese students accompanied by professors at the embassy on Aug. 1. | Embassy of the Republic of Haiti

The Indonesian team parades through the center of the Miyagi city of Kesennuma wearing a variety of traditional costumes during the Aug. 3-4 Minato Matsuri. | Embassy of Indonesia

On the occasion of Maldives Independence Day, Rep. Yuko Obuchi visits the embassy. | Embassy of Maldives

Commemorating the 199th anniversary of Bolivia’s independence. | Embassy of Bolivia

The Liszt Institute Hungarian Cultural Center has opened the “Rubik 80×50” exhibition to honor the inventor Erno Rubik’s 80th birthday and the cube’s 50th anniversary. | Embassy of Hungary

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