October 01, 2024


Kosovo Ambassador Sabri Kicmari, Mayors Ramiz Lladrovci and Ilir Ferati and advisers to the president meet with Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui, who invited the mayors to join the Mayors Network for Peace. | Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo

Commemorating 110 years of Bolivia-Japan diplomatic relations and 125 years of Japanese immigration to Bolivia, a photography exhibition is held at the Cervantes Institute in Tokyo. | Embassy of Bolivia

The Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yoshimasa Hayashi, and the Minister of Environment, Shintaro Ito, with the Ambassador of Brazil, Octávio H. Côrtes, on Brazil’s National Day Reception, held on September 6th. | Embassy of Brazil

Finland’s minister of defense, Antti Hakkanen, opens the Finland-Japan Defence Industry Seminar, organized by Business Finland, during a visit on Sept. 12. | Embassy of Finland

The embassies of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica and Nicaragua celebrate 203 years of independence together with a Japanese minister of state and a parliamentary vice minister for foreign affairs. | Embassy of Nicaragua

Representatives of the Maldives Embassy attend the inauguration ceremony of the Japan-Maldives Tourism Promotion Working Group. | Embassy of the Republic of Maldives

Six Indonesian designers showcase their work at the Tokyo Muslim Fashion Festival 2024, held at Shibuya QWS, on Sept. 7. | Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia

Serbian Ambassador Aleksandra Kovac (center) participates in the groundbreaking ceremony for the Serbian pavilion at Expo 2025 in Osaka on Sept. 4. | Embassy of the Republic of Serbia

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