April 17, 2021

Destination Restaurants 2021

“The Japan Times Destination Restaurants 2021” is a guide that introduces restaurants across Japan, from Hokkaido to Okinawa.
Selected by a panel of three judges who share a deep knowledge of food and passion for restaurant culture, this guide aims to put in the limelight fine dining restaurants and auberges that are representative of their regions but that may still be unfamiliar to the general public.
With the decision to exclude Tokyo’s 23 wards and ordinance-designated major cities, the guide hopes to contribute to the discovery of talents that tend to be unknown outside of their local areas.
With the perspective of introducing a “Japanese restaurant list for people from around the world, chosen by Japanese people”, we hope that the guide will contribute to the dissemination of Japanese culinary traditions and culture.
For more information on The Japan Times Destination Restaurant 2021 website, please see the link below:

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