We will expand the field of view from efforts focused on satoyama, the natural areas around farmlands, to include satokawa and satoumi bordering rivers and the sea, and will collect, share and disseminate a wide range of practical information such as matching these efforts with existing industries, sales and distribution networks for new products, and tourism from abroad.
G-net links young job seekers with businesses in the Gifu area
Maiko Muraoka
Contributing writer
G-net, an organization based in the city of Gifu that received the Special Award in the satoyama section of the...
Iwami Ginzan businesses’ silver road to revitalization
Maiko Muraoka
Contributing writer
The Omoricho area of Oda around the Iwami Ginzan silver mine in Shimane Prefecture is a small and picturesque town...
Taeko Terao
Contributing writer
Niigata restaurant makes brilliant comeback after fire Murakami, located in northern Niigata Prefecture on the Sea of Japan coast, is...
Chisou Nishi Kenichi
TAEKO TERAO Contributing writer
French cuisine featuring fish fresh from Suruga Bay The city of Yaizu in Shizuoka Prefecture faces Suruga Bay and boasts...
Shibousai Kitagawa
Taeko Terao Contributing writer
Chinese cuisine embodies spirit of Japan in Matsusaka Matsusaka is a midsize city in Mie Prefecture. For many people today,...
【Sustainable Japan Excellence Award】Maebashi Design Commission
Hidefusa Kojima
Maebashi Design Commission
Thank you very much for selecting us for the Sustainable Japan Award. We, the Maebashi Design Commission, as a representative...
【Sustainable Japan Excellence Award】Murasakino Wakuden Co. Ltd.
Aya Kuwamura
President, MurasAkino Wakuden Co. Ltd.
It is a little bit presumptuous of me to accept this award, but I would like to accept it respectfully...
【Sustainable Japan Special Award】G-net (nonprofit corporation)
Shuji Minamida
This award was unexpected, but we are very happy to be noticed in this way. G-net started in 2001 with...
Sustainable Japan Grand Prize: World Heritage Iwami Ginzan (Omoricho, Oda, Shimane Pref.)
Nakamura Brace Co. Ltd. Noburo NakamuraPresident, Nakamura Brace Co. Ltd. Thank you very much for selecting us for the Grand...
A study tour of Yoichi: Fine food and drink, and a rich history
At the end of the first day of the event, a networking dinner was held at the ryokan Kakuto Tokushimaya,...
Students research ideas
At the end of the event, two groups of students from Hokkaido Yoichi Koshi High School gave a presentation about...
A unique sense of place
Hiroto Murai Yoichi Sagra Chef and owner
Hiroto Murai opened Yoichi Sagra, an Italian inn in Yoichi, in 2017. “While I was running a restaurant in Sapporo...