Saina is a native of Japan and sees herself as a life enthusiast and Earth lover. Seeking to live more simply and sustainably in Japan after returning from her studies in Canada and overwhelmed by the excessive presence of single-use packaging and plastics in Tokyo, Saina and Eri, a friend from college, created together minimal living tokyo.
minimal living tokyo seeks to provide easy, practical, and fun alternatives for people who seek to live more simply and sustainably. minimal living tokyo believes that an eco-conscious lifestyle should be available and accessible to everyone. The products are all 100% plastic free and are carefully selected for their biodegradability and reusability. minimal living tokyo partners with international and domestic manufacturers who source their materials and ingredients ethically, and practice sustainable standards in their production processes. The shop caters to those who have already been living a zero-waste lifestyle as well as those that yearn to start from scratch, with the hopes to leave the planet in a better state for all generations to come.