March 03, 2021

Roundtable #6 – Ross Rowbury with World Renowned Chef Marybeth Boller

Marybeth Boller with an international experience cooked at the Michelin three-star L’auberge de L’ill in France, the Hotel Martinez in Cannes and the three-star La Gavroche in London, where she worked with Gordon Ramsay. Marybeth was also executive chef of Great Performances Catering, which handled all of the important events in New York, and the private chef for Caroline Kennedy.
After Kennedy was appointed ambassador to Japan, she asked Marybeth to take over the kitchen at the ambassador’s residence. Marybeth fell in love with Japan and decided to stay after Kennedy returned to the U.S. “My style of cooking emphasizes seasonality, simplicity and freshness, so I feel at home here,” she said. “I’ve had the opportunity to meet with many Japanese farmers and producers, and their respect and reverence for food is inspiring. I enjoy combining Western cooking techniques and flavor profiles with the superb ingredients and unique tastes available only in Japan.”

— What is the Roundtable —
The English-language events will invite readers of The Japan Times to be guest speakers. Ross Rowbury (former representative of Edelman Japan), who has a deep knowledge of Japan and boasts a wide network both here and abroad, will sit down in the role of host with Japanese and non-Japanese to discuss their lives in Japan. Held once a month, the format of the roundtable will include time for panel discussions with the participation of the audience.

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