Everyone’s image of a happy home is of a warm, safe place — a refuge from the outside world whose interior signals rest and comfort to the mind and body....
With Japan facing the challenges of a declining population and a prolonged economic slump, the president of Keio University said the university must accelerate building a globally attractive educational environment...
Note: This story discusses mental troubles and suicide. The word “health” generally conjures images of clean eating and regular exercise. But beyond physical health, mental health is an often-neglected facet...
It is hard for a company to be idealistic and profitable at the same time. But Sanrio Co. is achieving both goals, on a surprising scale. The Japanese gift product...
After the internet became widely available, people began to get information from an increasing number of sources on a daily basis. Many came to be overwhelmed and are now inundated...
The Omoricho area of Oda around the Iwami Ginzan silver mine in Shimane Prefecture is a small and picturesque town of approximately 400 people. Nakamura Brace Co. and Iwami Ginzan...
2024年1月1日に石川県能登半島を襲った大地震は、地方の高齢化や人口減少という課題を浮き彫りにした。しかし能登半島の中心部に位置する穴水町を再生させることが能登半島全体の復興につながると、野村総合研究所(NRI)の研究員は話す。 NRIは4月、穴水町と復…
企業にとって、理想と収益を同時に追求することは時に容易なことではない。ところがサンリオはその両方を達成しつつある。それも驚きの規模で。 「ハローキティ」のキャラクターで知られるサンリオは、企業ビジ…
Kubota’s strong points 1.米見本市「CES」で次世代運搬車やAIを活用した電動自動運転農機を展示し存在感 2.CDP 2023年版の「気候変動」「水セキュリティ」でA…
'An Encouragement of Learning' Yukichi Fukuzawa, one of the leading educators of the Meiji Era and founder of Keio University, was a relative of Sueji Yamada, founder of The Japan...
The first issue of The Japan Times was published on March 22, 1897. The leading founders were President Sueji Yamada and Editor-in-Chief Motosada Zumoto, a former executive secretary to Prime Minister Hirobumi Ito.
Tuesday, November 5, 2024, 18:00 to 21:00 JST
Vickie Skorjie & Bill Cleary
Our goal is to commend individuals, companies, and organizations who have made advances in sustainable efforts, and we hope to convey their activities both domestically and internationally.
Presented by The Japan Times since 2021, Destination Restaurants is a list of “the best restaurants in Japan, selected by Japanese experts with international diners in mind.” For this year’s...